Private Sector Participation

Public Private Partnership

The continuous strain in public resources for fill gaps in development has brought renewed interest in public private partnerships in both developing and developed countries. Exploring PPPs as a way of introducing private sector technology and innovation is providing better services through operational efficiency. Utilizing PPPs as a way of developing local private sector capabilities through joint ventures as well as sub-contacting opportunities for local firms. Using PPPs is a way of gradually exposing government to private sector participation to ensure transfer of skills and development of competencies.

Through our robust understanding we provide our expertise and advice to organisations on how to realize maximum value from these relationships when they decide to go into them.

We have built a niche building viable and profitable relationships by matching government institutions with private sector entities to make them more effective in delivering on their mandate. We have worked with several government and private sector entities to deliver long term value. We have the contacts, content and capabilities to add value to every organisation we work with in PPPs and beyond.

We support public sector organisations by providing comprehensive range of transaction related services. We aim to re-engineer organisations to do things for themselves in the long term when we wean them from our support. We will implement any process re-engineering in other to achieve this.